All my posts land up with personal incidents or should i say how i view those happenings.
They are sometimes in a spur of moment or some realised over time.
One day all of a sudden i felt a jolt right in the brain.I could sense there is something really not right.
This feeling was strange because usually i am this left-brain guy who has all thoughts rationalised and processed then with the delay the reaction is produced or some time tailor made.
My friend keeps mentioning "It's a long ride and you're always alone".I felt the exact same that no one's there to care for you.I am the one who says " Trust is built on a great pile of bricks and it won't shatter that easily".But the first time somehow everyone had deserted me in a way.
The best part was i didn't know what the reaction was supposed to be.I mean it's not like there is something supposed to be,it should be instantaneous.There was a lull in mind for some instance.After working some complex algos in my brain i came up with an idea.I decided on doing those things that could completely satisfy yourself in solitude.
This way you even build an attitude within yourself that you don't require social company to keep yourself happy.
After the recovery when i gained back to normalcy i questioned myself is it completely true?
One day all what's there will just vanish and you're all alone to face it.
It may be or it may be not but enjoy every moment where you could and cherish these memories in lonesome.This way you realise true value for all small things which you always ignored and didn't care enough.
It's one of the greatest arts to make something out of anything,the very optimistic perspective to all things brings fruitful results.
"It thou art to create but true art lies within moulding"-SRA
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