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Showing posts from March, 2009

Pen is mightier than sword........

The Pen flows on papyrus Like a wound full of blood and pus Richly chambers,diplomats wield In trenches dirty,soldiers bleed _Praveeen Sripad "Broken Pens Need to be Reforged" "The Pen in hand with ink still fresh but the hands won't move"

No one veils a mask indifferent of their shadow

Everyone needs to be sometimed someone they themselves don't approve of.Actually circumstances build up and our complications add to the misery leading to masking. The world is equally balanced with the courteous,blant,thoughful,insensitive and equally opposite characteristics. The point is sometimes people impersonate so well it's dificult to judge them. But if one could be observant of some things he would find a peculiar thing about characteristics. One needs like a assesment programme ,you see how that person behaves in difficult situations. Difficult situatiions are the one where they might lose their temper. Another way could be constant nagging about something not to the extent that it might irritate like hell.In such circumstances anyone could act indifferent of themselves. The "MORALLY GOOD ADVICE" would be be yourself and blah blah. I say be someone atleast closer to you or keep a very good cover. "An action is a Crime when it's caught"