Ego,basically an act of excessive self pride one would say.Better to put it as an act that offend people in some way mostly through pompous or arrogance.
But somehow i feel there is an enticement in this ego.I simply categorise them as 2.
One is which is completely shielded as in, all your talks would bounce back.It is futile trying because they do not heed you.They become a rejected part of society.They are always in this notion that they possess some mystique characteristics.They feel it is far below their dignity to socialise with other beings.Anyways they end up having a small group of theirs and later on....who cares....chuck them.
Now coming to the actual enticing egoists.They have an extremely charismatic effervescence .Somehow with their attitude also they keep everyone interested. I somehow get attracted to such kind. Because it might be the challenge,the challenge to bell such people,that,lures us.
These people most of the times naturally possess shruggy characteristics or make over time.
But it is an art because it's not easy to be not a part of society but still be a part.Ok this sounds dumb.It's like they keep the reserved mind and do not mingle much.But their rapport is such that when they are there they steal the limelight.
Since i mentioned rapport it would concern people who've established or done something considered great. But it's not necessary,sometimes things like body language,facial expressions and vocal attributes can also on it's own make a personality.Basically that's what i am attracted to.
You need to be really smart in handling such people because they'd surely know how to make us puppets in their hand.We ourselves need to create a space for us in their view.We are not so adept in their art but nevertheless we could simply act.
To keep the business running we need to give them the upperhand. The moment we try to subdue them the game's over.Shucks,I sound like some ultimate crap agency who had started with an IT firm and has now become dating services and since the staff is same it's completely muddled up.I sometimes feel i am actually going to land up in such chaos.
Anyways coming back,the point i'm trying to make is how varied and subtle are each one's fetish. Truly,Beauty lies in the eyes of beholder. Always let your imaginations go beyond the mind.Let your mind be driven by your heart.
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