I have this strange theory of mine.Actually many have proposed and proven.I just wanted to have that feeling of achievement. Everything in this world has a matter and an antimatter to it.It's like in simpler terms if there is good so there is bad. The point is both complement each other and without any one identity it's meaningless. Now when i say this i extend to every possible thing.There is no such thing as good or no such thing as bad.Some actions had pleased people yesteryear and they named it good and the opposite as bad.It's been forwarded on to generations and generations and our mind has adopted this concept over time. Now let me be clear i can't be sure of this mind theory,it's a highly debatable topic.Do you control your mind or does it,I have no clue. But let's keep it simple that we simply do stuff. Now the LHC-Hydrogen collider machine ,the most expensive machine known to man till date,itself is built to find particles involved in creating the univ...
Rameez Ahmed Sayad personal blogging. Rameez Ahmed Sayad views on day to day aspects in life in relation to the bigger picture . Give simple things a more deeper thought and a thought to remember.