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Showing posts from October, 2009

The Balancing Act

I have this strange theory of mine.Actually many have proposed and proven.I just wanted to have that feeling of achievement. Everything in this world has a matter and an antimatter to it.It's like in simpler terms if there is good so there is bad. The point is both complement each other and without any one identity it's meaningless. Now when i say this i extend to every possible thing.There is no such thing as good or no such thing as bad.Some actions had pleased people yesteryear and they named it good and the opposite as bad.It's been forwarded on to generations and generations and our mind has adopted this concept over time. Now let me be clear i can't be sure of this mind theory,it's a highly debatable topic.Do you control your mind or does it,I have no clue. But let's keep it simple that we simply do stuff. Now the LHC-Hydrogen collider machine ,the most expensive machine known to man till date,itself is built to find particles involved in creating the univ...

Earth Calling.........

With so many Go-Green and Environment Friendly Programmes going on,even i slipped into their shoes(not exactly) and gave a thought. I don't think it was a very long time when the vast lands were coveted with lush green terrain, the vast oceans sparkled in lime,the ravishing blue skies scenting fresh air while the moon smiled its way. I would consider earth to be in it's utmost glory at that time.Woo! what a sight that had been.Today such admiring views merely remain a wooden portrait hung on cemented walls. Once this is what mother nature was,our lands to live.Today they have transformed into exotic locations or an excursion.People go on trips,then take pictures and post them on net claiming to have done a remarkable job by visiting such places. Little do they realise it is they who have brought such despair to mother earth. Today if i ask anyone was it possible that instead of changing the ecosystem to our needs we should have tried fitting in?Most of responses would be why w...

Mission Ego-mination

Ego,basically an act of excessive self pride one would say.Better to put it as an act that offend people in some way mostly through pompous or arrogance. But somehow i feel there is an enticement in this ego.I simply categorise them as 2. One is which is completely shielded as in, all your talks would bounce back.It is futile trying because they do not heed you.They become a rejected part of society.They are always in this notion that they possess some mystique characteristics.They feel it is far below their dignity to socialise with other beings.Anyways they end up having a small group of theirs and later on....who cares....chuck them. Now coming to the actual enticing egoists.They have an extremely charismatic effervescence .Somehow with their attitude also they keep everyone interested. I somehow get attracted to such kind. Because it might be the challenge,the challenge to bell such people,that,lures us. These people most of the times naturally possess shruggy characteristics or ma...

Solitude Resilience

All my posts land up with personal incidents or should i say how i view those happenings. They are sometimes in a spur of moment or some realised over time. One day all of a sudden i felt a jolt right in the brain.I could sense there is something really not right. This feeling was strange because usually i am this left-brain guy who has all thoughts rationalised and processed then with the delay the reaction is produced or some time tailor made. My friend keeps mentioning "It's a long ride and you're always alone".I felt the exact same that no one's there to care for you.I am the one who says " Trust is built on a great pile of bricks and it won't shatter that easily".But the first time somehow everyone had deserted me in a way. The best part was i didn't know what the reaction was supposed to be.I mean it's not like there is something supposed to be,it should be instantaneous.There was a lull in mind for some instance.After working some com...