I am sitting on my spinning chair browsing online.I have tv remote in hand and just browsing through channels
,nothing interesting on the regular trps.Suddenly a spark strikes in the brain,CARTOONS.But the opposite response strikes balance "Aren't We Old".This isn't the actual questioning running it's "Aren't We Old In Others Point Of View" or "What will Others Think".
A decade back there was no response,completely ignorant of all the prescribed age barriers for a form of creativity.
Err, I am sorry if i had offended some people who had "PRE-MATURED' of their age.But i am lucky i didn't.
There are innumerous questions from logical,philosophical,rational,moral,social,civic and every point of view.
Just because it's your age to trot around girls/boys doesn't mean you have to forget those video games,hot wheels,barbie dolls.
Having a feeling for the opposite sex is a natural phenomenon.It shows the beauty of nature.It shows how it has bonded all elements so well.See from His eye n this erratic life might just be perfect.
Weren't these toys who brought the same smile you have on your face when he/she passes by?
I wonder sometimes is it a rule or what that the old toys must be replaced by new ones.
But this is not the question,it is what joy each thing has brought in your life?For how long had/have/will you cherish it?
It's amazing that the very title of my post i haven't mentioned of once.
For me adolescence it's just not about being mentally,physically mature by biological fundamentals or technicals aspects beyond my reasoning and understanding.
It's a life-long process of how you have enjoyed and learned everything and used it.That's the reason Garnering.
Take care for what you have,do not let your cerebral processing succumb under vicious notions.
Think from your heart,Play with your mind.

A decade back there was no response,completely ignorant of all the prescribed age barriers for a form of creativity.
Err, I am sorry if i had offended some people who had "PRE-MATURED' of their age.But i am lucky i didn't.
There are innumerous questions from logical,philosophical,rational,moral,social,civic and every point of view.
Just because it's your age to trot around girls/boys doesn't mean you have to forget those video games,hot wheels,barbie dolls.
Having a feeling for the opposite sex is a natural phenomenon.It shows the beauty of nature.It shows how it has bonded all elements so well.See from His eye n this erratic life might just be perfect.
Weren't these toys who brought the same smile you have on your face when he/she passes by?
I wonder sometimes is it a rule or what that the old toys must be replaced by new ones.
But this is not the question,it is what joy each thing has brought in your life?For how long had/have/will you cherish it?
It's amazing that the very title of my post i haven't mentioned of once.
For me adolescence it's just not about being mentally,physically mature by biological fundamentals or technicals aspects beyond my reasoning and understanding.
It's a life-long process of how you have enjoyed and learned everything and used it.That's the reason Garnering.
Take care for what you have,do not let your cerebral processing succumb under vicious notions.
Think from your heart,Play with your mind.
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