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Showing posts from February, 2019

Day 24 Big Data on Hadoop Udemy | Hive

We got our image started in the virtual sand box. We needed to disable hyper-v as Windows 10 doesn't allow Virtual Box Hyper-V and Hyper-V on the windows 10. We downloaded the dataset , now uploading the dataset in Hive Ambari Sandbox allows us to directly use Hive from the  url. we can import data in the csv format and query data as sql relational although it is not stored relational. we can also visualize the selected data columns. Difference between RANK , DENSE RANK and ROW_NUMBER ROW_NUMBER will always give unique RANK will give same rank for the first 4 same but 5th rank for the 5th . DENSE_RANK will give first 4 same  but 2 for the 5th like a group by. Scrolling Page Title http://www....

Day 23 Big Data on Hadoop Udemy | Arduino

So my wife has secured a job in Luxembourg and I need to board along. I looked at how I could maximise my chances. Machine Learning has really good opportunities but I need time probably atleast 6 months. 3 things always crept up my mind Data Science, AI/ML and Big Data. I foound Big Data to be interesting and more achievable in 3 months target as I'm familiar with most technologies and needed to upgrade myself. I had a choice of choosing between Microsoft Program in Big Data vs Udemy Big Data. I chose Udemy as it's slightly lesser on schedule and more precise on content, also the pricing is very attractive, which should have been a similar case for Microsoft but seems like 1000$ for a certificate which would teach similar skills just on Microsoft stack seemed little steep. So I've bought the Udemy - Ultimate Hadns on Big Data. Another exciting thing for me was the trainer is an Amazon and IMDB ex employee and I actually quite like their UX and the way one could sear...

Day 22 Microsoft AI Math | Arduino

Linear Equations y=mx+b m slope and b coefficient System of Equations x+y =10 2x+5y=34 one of the easiest way is to find intersection point, if you substitute x n y as 0 and plot you will get the intersection. another way is to add the 2 equations both eliminating x or y and getting the point of intersection.