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Showing posts from 2019

Day 24 Big Data on Hadoop Udemy | Hive

We got our image started in the virtual sand box. We needed to disable hyper-v as Windows 10 doesn't allow Virtual Box Hyper-V and Hyper-V on the windows 10. We downloaded the dataset , now uploading the dataset in Hive Ambari Sandbox allows us to directly use Hive from the  url. we can import data in the csv format and query data as sql relational although it is not stored relational. we can also visualize the selected data columns. Difference between RANK , DENSE RANK and ROW_NUMBER ROW_NUMBER will always give unique RANK will give same rank for the first 4 same but 5th rank for the 5th . DENSE_RANK will give first 4 same  but 2 for the 5th like a group by. Scrolling Page Title http://www....

Day 23 Big Data on Hadoop Udemy | Arduino

So my wife has secured a job in Luxembourg and I need to board along. I looked at how I could maximise my chances. Machine Learning has really good opportunities but I need time probably atleast 6 months. 3 things always crept up my mind Data Science, AI/ML and Big Data. I foound Big Data to be interesting and more achievable in 3 months target as I'm familiar with most technologies and needed to upgrade myself. I had a choice of choosing between Microsoft Program in Big Data vs Udemy Big Data. I chose Udemy as it's slightly lesser on schedule and more precise on content, also the pricing is very attractive, which should have been a similar case for Microsoft but seems like 1000$ for a certificate which would teach similar skills just on Microsoft stack seemed little steep. So I've bought the Udemy - Ultimate Hadns on Big Data. Another exciting thing for me was the trainer is an Amazon and IMDB ex employee and I actually quite like their UX and the way one could sear...

Day 22 Microsoft AI Math | Arduino

Linear Equations y=mx+b m slope and b coefficient System of Equations x+y =10 2x+5y=34 one of the easiest way is to find intersection point, if you substitute x n y as 0 and plot you will get the intersection. another way is to add the 2 equations both eliminating x or y and getting the point of intersection.

Day 21 Microsoft AI Math | Arduino

So, instead of continuing in python programming course , I jumped on to Math for ML as that is more essential in terms of getting to it. I have been programming a while in python so it seems to be not an issue , although I need to keep up with all packages but since I keep doing the demo in the course hand typing myself , I start getting familiarized, this is a good point for lot of developers , instead of copy pasting or simp[ly uploading the Ipython notebook , start typing literally almost everything , the learning would be higher plus higher retaining, although the former will allow to finish faster but one may forget as he never encountered any issue while doing those , in my case I encounter so many setup issues that it helps retaining lot of things naturally. So in the same light and learning spirit , I want to dive into maths and understand something , quite eager. Distributive Property

Day 21 Microsoft AI Python | Arduino

So now I have begun my new course Python in the 10 series. DataFrame Iterating Note  − Do not try to modify any object while iterating. Iterating is meant for reading and the iterator returns a copy of the original object (a view), thus the changes will not reflect on the original object. XML Etree Element Tree One thing I realized how .Net had made the xml a piece of cake. Especially after Linq to Xml , we took most of things for granted , never did a xml fail a parse. In python I had to remove xml namespaces and then parse to get things working def removexmlnamespaces(xst):         it = ET.iterparse(StringIO(xst))     for index, el in it:         if '}...

Day 20 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Data Science Virtual Machine Wow , seems a neat concept Seems I cannot change HDD to SDD once I create the VM Cognitive ToolKit - Examples of Deep Learning in python I have just copy pasted below content from the App Developer Resources Cognitive Services For an overview of the Cognitive Services APIs, take a look at  Getting Started with Microsoft Cognitive Services  on Channel 9. Then you can dive into the documentation for individual Cognitive Services APIs, which often includes tutorials to help you get started (note that this is not an exhaustive list!): Linguistic Analysis Text Analytics Bing Speech Translator Language Understanding Intelligent Services (LUIS) Custom Vision Computer Vision Face Video Indexer Building Bots For in-d...

Day 19 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Finally I think Visual Studio has a fix for Anconda and Python envronments. It seems to recognise anaconda default environment and create more, also now I can see both packages pip and conda separately. It seems to make more sense as it lesser loaded . Installing av in python Git Clone Video Indexer API List Videos Find Video Basic Info by Video Id Upload Video Thumbanial View IPython Magic VIdoe Indexer API allows to view thumbnail of key images you can embed video edit from video ai inline Moving to BOTS Need to deal with NodeJs as I have downloaded the bOTS API source code for NodeJs environment. gyp ERR! stack Error: Can't find Python executable "python", you can set the PYTHON env variable. Bot Framework emulator You can use the bot to embed as iframe in ...

Day 18 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Image Classifier Classify an image whether the tag matches I couldn't get it to work exactly. Azure Computer Vision API very interesting API , probably the most that I like so far of all, gives features about any picture and seemed fairly accurate. Most of the cognitive APIs body accepts json string instead of json data Face Detection APIs Can give certain attributes, match 2 faces Jupyter is formerly known as IPython so both are closely interchangeable None of the interactive windows seem to work Failed to start the kernel XSRF cookie does not match POST argument OpenCV Python Library Finally got something working for certain packages insta...

Day 17 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Uninstall packages What is difference between cumulative distribution and normal distribution in histogram Gaussian Filter a 3 by 3 matrix is taken where in the center value is formed by average of beside values, this technique is moved across the whole image to reduce noise by averaging out all pixels sigma is the mask size Median Filter Edge Detection Algorithm Sobel Edge Detection Algorithm similar to filters , workd with a mask to find a gradient for x axis and y axis Harris Corner Algorithm Didn't work for median filtered image Custom VIsion AI Project Selecting images and tagging them , train them

Day 16 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

For anaconda packages , use Anaconda navigator which identifies correctly the missing dependencies. IPython doesn't work correctly need to move to jupyter_client Profiling in VIS for python Installing Package in Notebook a-pip-package-from-within-a-jupyter-notebook-not-working Speech Translator Services and Language Understanding Intelligence Services LUIS Web Chat BOT https://docs.microsof...

Day 15 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Azure ECOSystem Azure Application Insights Just add a tag to client side to Feature Hashing Giving a word or phrase an integer value indicating the relevance of that text in a given text or dataset. Created 32k column names , hence takes time to open the next dialog box Cannot apply SQL Transformation Need to use Select Columns Filter for publishing web service Sentimental Analysis Excel online Icon Sets- something new in excel as well Azure Cognitive Services for Text Analytics Error in urllib.request or conn.request...