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Showing posts from December, 2018

Day 14 - Microsoft Artifical Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Accessing y index Ternary Operator Python Dynamic Programming Language Focussed on Readibility Interpreted Language as vs Compiled Language Multiparadigm : Structure , object and Funtional oriented NLTK Download and punkt What are these pickle files C:\Users\rameezahmed.sayad\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data\tokenizers\punkt\PY3 Pickling and Unplicking ,pickle files Pandas Dataframe Document Word Frequency and Inverse document Frequency Term Frequency or Word Frequency - is the frequency of a word in a document against tot...

Day 13 - Microsoft artificial Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Using Visual Studio for python -- back to debugging mode , feels amazing. So finally after managing to get 4 18650 batteries , 2 of them are discharged , now not sure how to recharge them. Good Resources for AI Python Math Operators Reading an Input form cmd line with python Convert string to int in Python

Day 12 - Microsoft artificial Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Learning about electricity fundamentals. So we need 7v to 12v to power in battery mode. We got a 9v battery just to see if it works, but seems like the current might not be enough. So it's final seems , the current provided by the 9v battery is quite less and needs more amps. 18650 Battery Now back to Artificial Intelligence USING CURL to DOWNLOAD files For opening Notebook https://azureml...

Day 11 Microsoft artificial Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Running motor using USB Voila , Motor, LED , Ultrasonic and Servo in action Only 1 motor can run from USB , both the motors cannot run simultaneously from USB voltage. 2 motors can be run or the 5v pins can be run at once.

Day 10 - Microsoft Artificial Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Excel Online Try Except Python Azure Notebooks Urllib2 to urllib Power Arduino using AC power Vin pin can also be used to power Arduino Servo Motor is for rotating using Arduino Arduino Shield is used to power and control motor. It has default pins which are used for sensing current and controlling the speed and direction of the motor.

Day 9 - Microsoft Artificial Intelligence | Arduino Robotic Kit

Motor Shield for Arduino motor shield is required for Bluetooth , GPS , GSM and Servo Motor in order to generate a stable and controlled current.  Connecting directly to Arduino board , the equipments may start drawing large current damaging the board. First Experiment with Arduino - LED Test. The RGB LED sensor has 4 points , 1 positive for 5 V connection and 1 each for red , green , blue . Pass accordingly LOW and HIGH to arduino Red , Green and Blue.

Day 8 - Microsoft AI | Arduino Robotic Kit

Arduino Robotic Kit Just got my Arduino robotic kit , quite excited :-) , Let us start exploring the various components. HC SR 04 Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC - SR04 provides 2cm - 400cm non-contact measurement function, the ranging accuracy can reach to 3mm Vcc , Trigger , Echo n Ground  You only need to supply a short 10uS pulse to the trigger input to start the ranging, and then the module will send out an 8 cycle burst of ultrasound at 40 kHz and raise its echo. The Echo is a distance object that is pulse width and the range in proportion

Day 7 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

2 class logistic regression used to predict only 2 outcomes For  Label column , click  Launch column selector , and choose a single column that contains outcomes the model can use for training. For classification problems, the label column must contain either  categorical  values or  discrete  values. Some examples might be a yes/no rating, a disease classification code or name, or an income group. If you pick a noncategorical column, the module will return an error during training. For regression problems, the label column must contain  numeric  data that represents the response variable. Ideally the numeric data represents a continuous scale for creating web service , all steps need to be run

Day 6 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

Scatter Plot Ready Module in AZMLS For removing an outlier , we can use sql transformation to update any row or values Why use matplotlib agg Setting utlier to threshhold , By using Clip Values , upper na dlower threshold can be set. Convert to Indicator Values to add a column IsCategoricalValue 0 or 1 based on the no of values in the selected feature Supervised Learning Nearest neighbour, Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Regression  UnSupervised Learning K- means Clustering Algorithm ReInforcement Learning The machine/ software agent trains itself on a continual basis based on the environment it is exposed to, and applies it’s enriched knowledge to solve business problems.  Markov Decision Process “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its perfo...

Day 5 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

PCA vs Mean - If probabilistic is used against a single column , it is equivalent to mean as it will used the single column. MICE - multiple imputation chained equations Normal Distribution - Bell Curve Seaborn Indentation in Python Anaconda does not have Seaborn yet Normalizing Data - there are 5 technieques , even log , mainly because if there are large values in the data set which do not dominate the prediction Z SCORE score using std  deviation MIN MAX score between 0 and 1

Day 4 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

Decision Tree Algorithm Assigning a label to the problem instance, Eg classifying gender so male or female become labels. Single Decision Tree single Decision Tree Ensemble Decision Tree multiple nodes Homogenous Sets- similar data or similar structure Heterogeneous Sets - mixed or unsimilar data Finding homogeneity - Information Gain Gini Impurity Beautiful Soup Python package for parsing HTML. Pandas Python package for reading HTML to dataframe , data analysis package. Panda Python package - categorical function for assigning integer to alphanumeric data. sklearn decision tree classifier Building own ML - Visual through ML Studio . Code first through Python notebooks. Consuming built in ML models - Azure cognitive services and bots

Day 3 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

AI Cheat Sheet Jargons for ML Training Data - after raw data is processed Columns in Training Data is called Features Regression - Supervised Learning - line that best fits , least error Classification - Supervised Learning classify into classes Clustering - Unsupervised Learning create clusters Decision Tree Neural Network Bayesian Algorithm K-means Clustering Data Scientists can choose the features more appropriately who have the domain knowledge. Feature Engineering - includes cleaning , normalizing , rebalancing , grouping , filtering  raw data

Day 2 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

Back to basics Learning Binary Search Tree and algorithms for Binary Tree Big  O notation O(1) - exactly 1 computation to do the operation O(n) - computation time is equal to the size of array O(n square) - computation to nested for-each O(log (n)) - divide and conquer algorithms O(n log(n)) - Insertion Sort - iterate each element , check if it is lower than any of the element at the left and insert in between and move other elements greater than it. O(n square) , best O(n) - Bubble Sort - keep comparing side by side each element and swap O(n square) , best O(n) - if no swap at the first iteration Selection Sort - assume the first is smallest and find the smallest at first position, increment each position and check if anything is smaller. O(n square) , best O(n2) Heap Sort - elements are stored in binary tree. root node will be greater than child node.swap root and child , finally swap the last and first node...

Day 1 - Microsoft Professional Program for Artificial Intelligence track

Based on my friend's request , I have begun to write more on it. So it's been a long time since I have left Data Science in some lurk , but honestly I did struggle a lot to cope up with it. Plus because of timeframes , I scrambled through Data Science initial models , but I couldn't gather a lot except R programming and concepts of Data Science , ML and AI. Data Science seems a tough hill for me , by tough hill I mean way more time and effort , I got busy in work and then somehow , it's been pending , Suprisingly I didn't come across Microsoft Certification Program because that should be the defacto choice for a .Net Developer having spent more than 8 years professionally and 19 years with Microsoft and it's ecosystem. So I began seeing Microsoft Artifical Intelligence course it seems very exciting , although I remember my stint from GCP (Google Cloud Platform ) , it was a big thing doing some things I did very naturally with SQL or Excel. https://www....