Here i am sitting in front of screen wondering how to start off.The mind's clogged with mixed thoughts.It just wants the perfect start to put things on track. But then what's perfect? Great philosphy, well understood by the well , none understood by most. Or is it flow of those glamorous words just to keep the sparkle on the dry content. Poetic onsong,Gossip,Fiction,Paparazzi,Sports,Facts and what not. But i thought i would just share my journey with u.Why? Good Question It's just that suddenly i have found life more meaningful.There are things i felt different.There were some catalysers to help my thoughts broaden.I felt maybe i could change's one thinking. So here i am, a late start but then will make it a worth it.
Rameez Ahmed Sayad personal blogging. Rameez Ahmed Sayad views on day to day aspects in life in relation to the bigger picture . Give simple things a more deeper thought and a thought to remember.